19 Feb 2010

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I-So Central Market
¨Adalah pasar Internet Online yang memungkinkan pemasaran berskala internasional dengan biaya rendah dan full efesiensi serta memiliki tingkat probabilitas penjualan tinggi. 
- bisa diakses kapanpun dan dari manapun.
- Operasional bisnis 24 jam dan tetap buka saat hari-hari libur dan hari besar.
- Probabilitas produk terjual sangat tinggi, tidak kadaluarsa dan tidak perlu stok outlet.
- Produk yang dipasarkan berbagai jenis barang dan jasa.
- Peluang bisnis yang berjalan sistematis dan menghasilkan passive income.
- Bisa menjual dengan memberikan harga discount atau membeli dengan medapat harga  
  discount & bonus pula.
- Nilai bisnis ini adalah Rp 1.199.000,-

I-So Payment Point
Adalah layanan pembayaran Tagihan rekening atas jasa / pelayanan umum, adapun yang sudah masuk sebagai List l-So adalah :
- PLN : Listrik Pra dan Pasca bayar
- Telkom : Telepon PSTN, Flexi pra & pasca bayar, Speedy, Telkomvision
- Cicilan Kendaraan : FIF, Adira, BAF dan lainnya dlm proses
- Kartu Kredit : HSBC, Danamon, Niaga, BNI
- Selular Pasca bayar : Kartu halo, Matrix, XL Pasca, Star one, Esia, Fren
- Dan lainnya terus bertambah setiap saat.
- Kelebihan : online 20 jam sehari, administrasi lebih murah, mobile service/bisa berpindah-
- Deposit payment outlet hanya mulai Rp 50.000,-
- Peluang bisnis yang berjalan sistematis dan menghasilkan passive income.
- Nilai bisnis ini adalah Rp 6.000.000,-

I-So Reload Service
Adalah layanan isi ulang pulsa Electronic.
- Produk-produk pulsa isi ulang semua operator dengan nilai nominal (1.000 sd 500.000)
- Bisnis pulsa skala dealer memungkinkan harga belanja anggota lebih murah.
- Satu deposit pulsa untuk semua nominal dan semua operator.
- Online 24 jam
- Akses transaksi mudah dengan SMS, Yahoo Messanger, Gtalk, Facebook (selama provider 
- Deposit anggota terjangkau mulai Rp 50.000,-
- Peluang bisnis yang berjalan sistematis dan menghasilkan passive income
- Nilai bisnis ini adalah Rp 50.000,-

I-So Personal Agency
- Anggota sekaligus menjadi agen pemasaran bisnis Indo Tama Solution
- System pengembangan jaringan dengan berbagai aspek terbaik
- Profesionalisme Perusahaan
- Sistem pemasaran terbaik dan tidak membatasi anggotanya untuk menjalankan bisnis 
  Network Marketing yang lain
- Produk-produk barang & jasa unggulan dan marketable
- Leader-leader penuh komitmen
- Support system terbaik yaitu Indonesian Networker Academy (INA)
- Support IT yang menjamin transparansi bisnis
- Penghasilan dibayar terbesar, tercepat, tanpa syarat dan dengan transparansi tinggi, 
  sehingga probabilitas kesuksesan sangat tinggi
- Peluang bisnis yang berjalan sistematis dan menghasilkan passive income
- Nilai bisnis ini adalah Rp 200.000,-

- Investasi hanya 1 kali (sekali pembelian produk jasa), anggota mendapatkan produk jasa 
  yang nilainya jauh lebih besar daripada modal yang dikeluarkan
- Kerja relatif ringan (hanya membina 2 tim)
- Anggota diperbolehkan untuk menjalankan bisnis sejenis yang lain (Indo Tama The Truly 
  Independent Business Owner)
- Pembayaran bonus Tercepat (Harian)
- Bonus terbesar
- Jenis Bonus sederhana (hanya 3 jenis bonus)
- Perhitungan Bonus Sederhana, tanpa peringkat & tanpa iming-iming reward, tanpa 
  jebakan marketing dan transparansi tinggi
- Tanpa syarat tutup point (Belanja ulang otomatis, tanpa merogoh saku lagi)
- Potensi Income tanpa mengenal hari libur/hari raya
- Potensi “The Real Pasive Income”, dari aneka bonus transaksi
- Potensi “Bonus ber-Bonus”, dari belanja ulang otomatis
- Probabilitas keberhasilan yang sangat tinggi

- Klik langsung di sini
- Mengisi formulir dengan isian data pribadi sesuai KTP / SIM / Passport
- Memiliki HP dan Nomornya
- Memiliki Rekening Bank di Indonesia a.n Pribadi
- Melakukan pendaftaran dan pembelian hak usaha senilai Rp 7.449.000,- hanya dengan 
  Rp.200.000,- ,-/Unit Bisnis, sekali seumur hidup dan bisa diwariskan

(diluar Personal Agency) I-So Central Market
- Jika 12 Level Personal Agen melakukan 1 x transaksi di I-So Central Market (misalnya lampu 
  hemat energy) maka potensi bonus anda Rp 819.000,-

I-So PAYMENT POINT (12 level kompress I-So PA)
- Jika 12 Level Personal Agen melakukan 1 x transaksi listrik maka potensi bonus anda Rp 
- Jika 12 Level Personal Agen melakukan 1 x transaksi telpon maka potensi bonus anda Rp 
- Jika 12 Level Personal Agen melakukan 4 x transaksi tarik tunai, maka potensi bonus 
  anda Rp 1.638.000,-

I-So Reload Service
- Jika 12 Level Personal Agen melakukan 4 x transaksi pulsa HP, maka potensi bonus anda 
   Rp 1.638.000,-

Total minimum penghasilan anda: Rp 4.914.000,-

Jika anda bergabung dengan 7 unit usaha maka penghasilan anda :

Rp 4.914.000 x 7 = Rp 34.398.000,-

(passive income)

1. I-So Central Market

Ada 2 Klasifikasi produk :
1. Produk-produk Prioritas Yaitu produk-produk yang dikelola oleh manajemen PT. Indo Tama 
    Solution dan bisa dibeli dengan deposit bonus.

2. Produk-produk Unggulan Yaitu produk-produk yang dalam transaksinya dilakukan langsung 
    antara pembeli dan penjual tanpa melibatkan Manajemen PT. Indo Tama Solution.

I-So Central Market
Dari Transaksi Produk Prioritas oleh jaringan bisnis (downline) sebanyak 12 level compress (8190 hak usaha) akan menciptakan bonus sebagai berikut : jika masing-masing anggota membeli lampu hemat energy, dan komisi Rp 100,-/unit usaha maka bonus transaksi 8190 x Rp 100,- = Rp 819.000,-/bulan/unit usaha , jika anda memiliki 7 unit usaha maka total bonus adalah Rp 5.733.000,- (tersedia ratusan produk prioritas dan akan berkembang terus dengan tingkat bonus berbeda-beda)
Sedangkan dari Transaksi produk Unggulan anggota i-So Central Market sebagai penjual produk akan mendapat profit tersendiri.

2.  I-So Payment Point potensi penghasilan
Dari jaringan usaha yang di kembangkan anda mendapatkan income atas segala transaksi pembayaran jaringan anda hingga 12 level compress. Contoh, apabila setiap jaringan anda membayar Listrik setiap bulan melalui I-So, maka Bonus Transaksi pembayaran rekening Listrik senilai Rp 50,- x 8190 (jumlah downline anda 12 level) = Rp 409.500,- (jika mempunyai 7 unit usaha maka Rp 2.866.500,-)
Apabila masing-masing memanfaatkan 2 jenis layanan saja (misalnya Listrik dan Telepon) maka akan menciptakan penghasilan Rp 5.733.000,-

Ilustrasi diatas hanya dari 1 jenis transaksi, padahal melalui I-So Payment Point anda dan jaringan disediakan layanan untuk pembayaran Listrik, Telkom (telpon rumah, flexi, speedy, telkomvision dll), Cicilan kendaraan (FIF dll), Kartu Kredit, Handphone pasca bayar (kartu Halo, Matrix dll) serta masih banyak lagi layanan yang setiap saat bertambah dengan pembukaan kerjasama-kerjasama baru.

3.  I-So Reload Service potensi penghasilan
Dari isi ulang atau bisnis Reload Service yang di lakukan oleh anda sendiri dan juga jaringan bisnis anda (downline) anda akan mendapatkan income passive otomatis, setiap kali jaringan anda sampai kedalaman 12 Level Compress mengisi ulang pulsa dengan nominal berapapun maka anda akan mendapat bonus transaksi secara otomatis. Sebagai contoh, andaikata masing-masing anggota dalam group bisnis anda mengisi ulang pulsa 4 kali dalam sebulan (nominal berapapun) maka anda akan mendapatkan bonus transaksi Reload pulsa 4 x 8190 x Rp 50,-= Rp 1.683.000,-
Jika anda bergabung 7 unit maka potensi bonus anda mencapai Rp 1.683.000,- x 7 = Rp 11.781.000,-/bulan

4.  Personal Agency Potensi Penghasilan
-  Bonus Mengajak sebesar Rp 60.000,- /Unit (Dibayar Harian), POTENSI UNLIMITED
-  Bonus Jaringan: Bonus Pasangan “satu-satu” sebesar Rp 32.000,- /Pasang (Dibayar 
   Harian). Flushing 12 unit/hari (Bonus pasangan maksimal Rp 384.000,-/unit/hari)
-  Bonus Duplikasi sebesar Rp 10.000,-, dibayar Mingguan (Setiap Hari Senin)
-  Bonus Pembelanjaan Ulang Otomatis 3% dari maksimum Belanja Ulang Otomatis sebesar 
   Rp 250.000,-/Unit/Bulan, dibayar bulanan

PERSONAL AGENCY Bonus mengajak
Yaitu Bonus karena anda mengajak orang lain, sebesar Rp. 60.000,- per unit Usaha. Jika orang yang anda ajak melakukan pembelian 7 unit usaha maka anda akan mendapatkan bonus mengajak 7 X Rp 60.000,- = 420.000.-

Pembayaran Bonus Mengajak adalah :
Senin (omset) – Selasa dibayar (Transfer bank)
Bonus Mengajak dan Bonus Pasangan dibayarkan harian, yaitu hari ini terjadi omset, malam harinya anda mendapat SMS Bonus dan esok harinya ditransfer ke Rekening Bank anda, (kecuali hari libur maka ditransfer hari berikutnya, mengikuti hari kerja Bank). 
Bonus Mengajak dan Bonus Pasangan dibayarkan 80% ditransfer tunai dan 20% masuk untuk Deposit dan belanja produk otomatis dengan jumlah maksimal Rp 250.000,- perbulan per 1 unit usaha, sedangkan Bonus Duplikasi dibayar 100% tunai setiap hari Senin.
Seluruh bonus akan dikurangi biaya transfer bank, bonus akan dikenakan pajak sesuai undang-undang yang berlaku  contoh :
Deposit otomatis menjadi dua, yaitu 80% Deposit dialokasikan untuk I-So Payment Pont dan I-So Reload Service, serta 20% menjadi Voucher Belanja I-So Central Market.

PERSONAL AGENCY Bonus Repeat Order
Setiap kali jaringan bisnis anda (downline) sebanyak 12 Level Kompress melakukan Repeat Order / deposit otomatis maka menghasilkan bonus Repeat order, adapun besarnya Bonus dihitung dengan Rumus :
X 250.000
X adalah Jumlah Deposit & Belanja ulang otomatis 12 level compress jaringan anda

Potensi Bonus anda adalah :
mencapai 2 = 8190 X Rp 7.500, = Rp 61.425.000,- Bonus ini dibayar setiap tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya.

PERSONAL AGENCY Bonus Repeat Order
Pembayaran Bonus Repeat Order :
dibayar setiap tanggal 10 bulan berikutnya dalam bentuk penambahan deposit I-So Reload Service + I-So Payment Point dan voucher belanja di I-So Central Market

Belanja Ulang Otomatis ( Dari I-So Personal Agency) 20% dari total bonus harian (Bonus Mengajak & Pasangan) maksimum Rp 250.000,-/bulan/unit usaha. Dari Rp 250.000,- tersebut Rp 200.000,- berupa deposit yang bisa dipergunakan untuk membayar berbagai transaksi di I-So Payment Point ataupun I-So Reload Service, dan Rp 50.000,- dipergunakan untuk berbelanja (baik barang maupun jasa) di I-So Central Market. Bonus yang dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi baik di I-So Central Market, I-So Payment Point ataupun I-So Reload Service, anggota KEMBALI memperoleh BONUS TRANSAKSI!

Melakukan Transaksi baik di I-So Central Market, I-So Payment Point ataupun I-So Reload Service, maka sepenuhnya anggota memperoleh Bonus Transaksi hingga 12 Level Kompres. Jika sebagian bonusnya dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi, anggota KEMBALI memperoleh BONUS TRANSAKSI!

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7 Feb 2010

Technical analysis on the prediction of exchange rate movements based solely on statistics and price patterns Simply put, technical analysis is the analysis of the market based on price action. While fundamental analysis looks at economic factors and geopolitical circumstances (such as economic numbers, capital flows, and the major political events), in an attempt to predict exchange rates, technical analysis is based on the statistics and patterns in price movement for its forecastTechnical analysis on the prediction of exchange rate movements based solely on statistics and price patterns Simply put, technical analysis is the analysis of the market based on price action. While fundamental analysis looks at economic factors and geopolitical circumstances (such as economic numbers, capital flows, and the major political events), in an attempt to predict exchange rates, technical analysis is based on the statistics and patterns in price movement for its forecast.Technical analysis on the prediction of exchange rate movements based solely on statistics and price patterns Simply put, technical analysis is the analysis of the market based on price action. While fundamental analysis looks at economic factors and geopolitical circumstances (such as economic numbers, capital flows, and the major political events), in an attempt to predict exchange rates, technical analysis is based on the statistics and patterns in price movement for its forecast. Technical analysis has gained popularity in recent history, especially the development of computerized trading continue to develop and active traders continue their strategies to best assess what is happening in the market at any time to refine. In today's marketplace, technical analysis has become an essential tool for every aspiring entrepreneur.
Why Technical Analysis Works •

Extremely popular, and thus provides insight into what many traders do • more clear and less controversial than fundamental analysis • A simple way to make commercial decisions Many traders believe that technical analysis is a self-fulfilling prophecy - in other words, it only works because it is popular and is used by many traders. For example, many technical traders put a 20 days moving average line on maps because the moving average is not statistically significant itself, but because it is a very common indicator used by active traders in all sizes.
The reason is simple: as so many traders make decisions off moving averages and other indicators, then the indicators should be closely monitored because they offer insight into what a strong majority of traders in the market are doing. For this reason, traders focus on the most popular indicators in the business community, and must be used in the most traditional way. This is the best way of tapping into the "psychology" of the market - in other words, it is a simple but highly effective way to understand what other entrepreneurs are and how to move the market because of it. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a study that complex mathematics or computer algorithms. It is rather a study to look at other traders use the same tools to understand what is happening in the market. Below is a list of the most used indicators, all of which will be discussed in the following lessons:
• Key Candlestick Patterns
• Fibonacci retracement
• moving averages
• Stochastics
• Bollinger Bands

While it may seem intimidating, technical analysis is actually quite simple - often much simpler than fundamental analysis. It requires only an abundance of the two qualities most needed for a successful trader: discipline and patience.
Different Time Frames
Technical analysis tools are valid at all times, but we recommend the daily charts for most of your analysis. Medium-term positions based on daily charts, tables an hour for the use of more precise entry points, have two advantages over short-term positions at 5 or 15 minutes charts. 1) The spread is less important for longer term position. 5 pips of a price target of 20 was a huge obstacle to overcome in the trade after trade. 5 pips from a 100 pip target is manageable. 2) longer term charts are statistically more reliable because they are based on more data.
Indicators have a higher degree of confidence on a daily chart than one hours 15 minutes chart or graph. Trading on a weekly or monthly chart would probably accurate from a technical standpoint than a daily chart would be, but a slower time frame means less accurate access, and the wider stops needed to chart a monthly trade are often outside the capacity many accounts. We recommend as a general rule, do not risk more than 2% of the balance of your account on a single trade, which is difficult with a monthly or weekly chart.

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What is Technical Analysis?

23 Jan 2010

Technical analysis on the prediction of exchange rate movements based solely on statistics and price patterns Simply put, technical analysis is the analysis of the market based on price action. While fundamental analysis looks at economic factors and geopolitical circumstances (such as economic numbers, capital flows, and the major political events), in an attempt to predict exchange rates, technical analysis is based on the statistics and patterns in price movement for its forecastTechnical analysis on the prediction of exchange rate movements based solely on statistics and price patterns Simply put, technical analysis is the analysis of the market based on price action. While fundamental analysis looks at economic factors and geopolitical circumstances (such as economic numbers, capital flows, and the major political events), in an attempt to predict exchange rates, technical analysis is based on the statistics and patterns in price movement for its forecast. Technical analysis has gained popularity in recent history, especially the development of computerized trading continue to develop and active traders continue their strategies to best assess what is happening in the market at any time to refine. In today's marketplace, technical analysis has become an essential tool for every aspiring entrepreneur.
Why Technical Analysis Works •
Extremely popular, and thus provides insight into what many traders do • more clear and less controversial than fundamental analysis • A simple way to make commercial decisions Many traders believe that technical analysis is a self-fulfilling prophecy - in other words, it only works because it is popular and is used by many traders. For example, many technical traders put a 20 days moving average line on maps because the moving average is not statistically significant itself, but because it is a very common indicator used by active traders in all sizes.
The reason is simple: as so many traders make decisions off moving averages and other indicators, then the indicators should be closely monitored because they offer insight into what a strong majority of traders in the market are doing. For this reason, traders focus on the most popular indicators in the business community, and must be used in the most traditional way. This is the best way of tapping into the "psychology" of the market - in other words, it is a simple but highly effective way to understand what other entrepreneurs are and how to move the market because of it. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a study that complex mathematics or computer algorithms. It is rather a study to look at other traders use the same tools to understand what is happening in the market. Below is a list of the most used indicators, all of which will be discussed in the following lessons:
• Key Candlestick Patterns
• Fibonacci retracement
• moving averages
• Stochastics
• Bollinger Bands
While it may seem intimidating, technical analysis is actually quite simple - often much simpler than fundamental analysis. It requires only an abundance of the two qualities most needed for a successful trader: discipline and patience.
Different Time Frames
Technical analysis tools are valid at all times, but we recommend the daily charts for most of your analysis. Medium-term positions based on daily charts, tables an hour for the use of more precise entry points, have two advantages over short-term positions at 5 or 15 minutes charts. 1) The spread is less important for longer term position. 5 pips of a price target of 20 was a huge obstacle to overcome in the trade after trade. 5 pips from a 100 pip target is manageable. 2) longer term charts are statistically more reliable because they are based on more data.
Indicators have a higher degree of confidence on a daily chart than one hours 15 minutes chart or graph. Trading on a weekly or monthly chart would probably accurate from a technical standpoint than a daily chart would be, but a slower time frame means less accurate access, and the wider stops needed to chart a monthly trade are often outside the capacity many accounts. We recommend as a general rule, do not risk more than 2% of the balance of your account on a single trade, which is difficult with a monthly or weekly chart

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22 Jan 2010

A market order is an order to buy or sell a currency pair at the current market price. Thus the FX Trading Station will always show two prices for each currency pair - the price you can buy (also known as the questions), and the price you can sell (also known as the bid).A market order is an order to buy or sell a currency pair at the current market price. Thus the FX Trading Station will always show two prices for each currency pair - the price you can buy (also known as the questions), and the price you can sell (also known as the bid).
Thus the market price of EUR / USD at 1.2200 to 1.2205 - meaning traders can buy the EUR / USD at 1.2205, but would have to sell at 1.2200. These prices reflect the current market prices, and traders who choose to enter market orders would be filled at the rate they see. The main advantage of the market orders is that they provide the trader that he / she will function. The main drawback is that the trader is not the best price they could have been given had they used a different type.
Another drawback - and one often overlooked - is that market orders are more conducive to his reckless and without discipline used. Use with other tasks, such as stop and limit orders, are better suited for helping companies stay disciplined. Entry Orders

• Advantage: more likely that the trader gets the price he / she wants.

• Disadvantage: can not reach the market rate given the trader, and so the operator may miss the opportunity.

All orders are essentially conditional entry orders, they will only be filled if the market reaches the specified rate. Suppose you are trading USD / JPY and the current quote is 120,50-55. You can buy one item to at 120.15, for example, so your order will only be filled when the market reached 120.15. This you may receive a better price. There are two types of entry orders: limit entry orders and stop entry orders.

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